Oulun Energia Siirto ja Jakelu Oy recently launched an extensive smart metering project in cooperation with its trusted long-term partner Landis+Gyr. In total, 90,000 Oulun Energia customers will benefit from the advantages of the cost-effective smart metering solution delivered by Landis+Gyr. For the network company, the choice amounts to more effective processes, cost benefits and better customer service.
About 28,000 customers of Oulun Energia Siirto ja Jakelu Oy were already using remotely readable Landis+Gyr electricity meters. Before extending its smart metering solution, the network company issued a public request for bids aimed at finding the best partner to roll out smart meters to the rest of its customer base. They were looking for a smart metering solution for 62,000 meter points – one of the largest smart metering projects in Finland. It was only natural that the network company wanted to source its smart metering solution from a known partner with the capability to deliver an extensive package from meter delivery to meter reading services, not forgetting the system’s technical requirements. Further selection criteria for the smart metering solution also included long-term cost-efficiency.
Find out more about the project from this case study.
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