Landis+Gyr Blog

    40 years of pioneering in Ultrasonic metering

    In the 1970s, it became urgent for companies to improve flow monitoring as Europe and the rest of the world were suffering from the explosion in oil and energy prices. Sensing the urgency for accurate energy measurement, Landis+Gyr introduced their very first ultrasonic meters 2WR2 which could be directly used for billing. Due to their accuracy, durability, low maintenance and robustness, these meters became the future of heat and cooling measurement. Today they are the foundation of our smart heat and water meters.

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    4 ways smart EV charging solutions enable grid friendly e-mobility

    The electrification of transportation has the potential to bring numerous benefits to society and the environment. However, this transition to electric vehicles (EVs) poses significant challenges for our current electricity systems. The influx of EVs into the market could lead to a surge in power demand, straining our grids and requiring substantial investments in infrastructure. 

    Smart charging technology has emerged as a key solution to mitigate these challenges. Intelligently managing EV charging can prevent grid overload and optimize energy consumption. In this article, we will explore the key features and benefits of smart charging and how they manifest for network operators, businesses, and EV owner.

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    Half hourly metering and grid management symposium: Key takeaways

    With the electrification of transportation and heating sectors, explosion of EV charging and a general rise in energy demand and prices, the UK energy network is stressed in numerous ways as we drive towards net zero targets. That is why we organized a symposium on Half hourly metering and Grid Management at our UK office in Manchester. 

    Bringing together industry colleagues and stakeholders from across the UK made for great discussions around the issues and challenges in grid management - from billing through to power quality management. With the shift from fossil-based to zero-carbon energy sources, grid operators are coming across completely new challenges - and our collective effort is needed in addressing these challenges, not just at the local metering level but all the way through the network. 

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    7 ways a grid monitoring solution can help utilities manage the grid better

    Ensuring quality of supply and grid resilience is vital to reliable and efficient supply of electricity. However, maintaining high-quality power delivery and a resilient grid can get tricky in an increasingly complex and dynamic grid that needs to accommodate renewables, EV charging and high activity from prosumers. How can grid planners and network operators achieve their goals of maintaining a safe, reliable and resilient grid ?  In this blog, we highlight seven ways how a grid monitoring service can help.

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    A 'Tap and Go' Future – Contactless payments hailed as a game-changer in public EV charging

    Contactless payment terminals are being hailed as a game-changer for the accessibility of publicly available Electric Vehicle (EV) charging. They offer a quick and convenient payment method for the growing number of private and commercial EV users and are considered an integral part of the transition from traditional to electric vehicles by 2030. This transition is super critical to helping to deliver the UK net zero targets by 2050.

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    How ransomware attacks threaten utilities processes (and how to prevent disruption) – Part 2

    In the first part of this post we already introduced a Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) as a solution for mitigating ransomware attacks on Operational Technology (OT). Let’s have a closer look at how this is done.

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