Landis+Gyr Blog

    Going for Gold – Striving for the Highest Standards of Safety in Smart Meters

    Manufacturers and suppliers of technology used in people’s homes are well versed in compliance and ensuring that their products meet legal safety requirements. Unfortunately, although BSI introduced BS 7856, its latest safety standard for smart meters in 2017, compliance with this is not mandatory. There are however some compelling reasons why we should all strive for the very highest standards of safety and use the latest BS 7856 standard, rather than earlier withdrawn versions, as the benchmark.

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    Grid monitoring - Visibility and control for the active grid

    As the world moves towards a more sustainable and decentralized energy future, grid operators face increasing challenges in maintaining grid resilience, asset and energy management, grid balancing, safety, and security. What are these challenges and how can they be addressed?

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    How ransomware attacks threaten utilities (and how to prevent disruption) – Part 1

    Ransomware attacks are the number one cyber risk for utilities and critical infrastructure worldwide. Detecting malicious activities during the preparation phase of an attack to prevent disruption and spreading is at the heart of any cybersecurity strategy. 

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    7 things to consider when building your AMI ecosystem

    Utilities today face unprecedented challenges and opportunities as they strive to meet the increasing demands of their customers and stakeholders. To meet these demands, they need an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) ecosystem that can provide reliable and accurate data, support multiple use cases, and generate actionable insights to help them optimize their operations and customer service. But what should be taken into account when building your metering ecosystem? Here are 7 things to consider when building your AMI:

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    Get smart: Water meters and communication protocols

    How much water has been consumed? Is there a leak or stagnation somewhere? Is maintenance  necessary? No longer does this information need to be collected by technicians during scheduled on-site visits. Because unlike, traditional water meters, smart water meters communicate and transmit their data automatically, regularly – and in case of an event, immediately – to the water supplier or municipality. While various protocols are available the right choice depends on specific requirements.

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    Empowering consumers in the energy crisis

    The price increases in energy over the past 12 months have taken many consumers by surprise, contributing significantly to the financial pressure on businesses and householders during the current economic crisis. In the UK, not a day goes by without energy, and specifically the cost of energy, dominating conversations, news reports and media comment.

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