Landis+Gyr Blog

    Choosing your AMI communication pathway

    Communication is a core component of any smart grid or AMI implementation. Depending on application use cases, geography, rural/urban areas, or existing infrastructure, however, a grid operator may choose PLC, mesh, or cellular communications. With an increasingly diverse and active consumer base that now includes prosumers, electric vehicle charging, renewables, and more, how can utilities ensure that all these segments are served without disrupting their AMI? 

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    Cyber security according to IEC 62443 in the energy sector

    The IEC 62443 family of standards is an old acquaintance to most security managers for industrial systems. For more than ten years, it has been considered THE standard for industrial cybersecurity. It also serves as a "horizontal standard" offering a sector-agnostic baseline for industrial cybersecurity, upon which sector-specific requirements, e.g. for the energy sector, could be added by industry experts. In this blog we explore its implications for the energy sector.

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    Integrating Photovoltaic plants – the European challenge

    Integrating renewable energy into the low-voltage (LV) grid is a topic that we have discussed with over 40 DSOs in Europe and came to the understanding that a huge portion of new connection requests, especially for PV plants, are being rejected or significantly delayed.

    The challenge of connecting PV plants to the low-voltage grid is widespread among European DSOs (distribution system operators) and is causing significant concerns within the industry. To shed light on this problem, let us delve deeper into the various facets of this issue and explore potential solutions to address it.

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    5 steps towards a smarter metering infrastructure

    Whether it is a first-time installation, a second wave implementation, or a transformational upgrade, building an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is a journey. What steps do you go through once you've committed to taking your AMI to the next level?

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    Supporting African utilities with Revenue enhancement as a service

    Revenue collection and protection is an important aspect that creates challenges for the utility sector in Africa that directly impacts growth and sustainability. These challenges include revenue loss, inadequate infrastructure, and inefficient billing and collection systems. However, in recent years, Revenue Enhancement as a Service has emerged as a powerful solution to help utilities in the African market overcome these hurdles. Explore the advantages of Revenue Enhancement as a Service and how we can support utilities through our service offering.

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    GridFlex Control: Taking control of the active grid

    In an increasingly decentralized grid, grid operators face increasing challenges in grid resilience, asset management, grid balancing, safety, and security. The ability to effectively monitor and control the grid and its assets is vital in identifying issues and taking preventive and corrective actions before grid stability and reliability affected. Thankfully, the digitalization of the energy system through the rollout of smart metering and control equipment opens the door for maneuvering in the next phase of the energy transition.

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