Landis+Gyr Blog

    Metering as a Service - An opportunity to transform

    With soaring energy prices and a looming energy crisis, we all face a tough winter ahead. Utilities too are facing multiple challenges from financial constraints, revenue protection and regulatory pressures as they serve an increasingly volatile market. More and more utilities are moving to service-based delivery models to make business processes more flexible, reduce technology risks, and minimize costs.  

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    Winter is coming. How can we manage our energy better?

    As Europe braces for the coming winter, governments and institutions have begun implementing plans and programs. What part can we play to cope with rising prices, energy austerity and manage energy better in our homes, workplaces and beyond?

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    Landis+Gyr Corinth - A 50 year legacy in smart meter manufacturing

    Situated near the iconic Corinth Canal, the sprawling 56,000 square meter production facility at Corinth has had an illustrious history on its way to becoming Landis+Gyr's largest smart manufacturing facility in Europe. Yet it had to show resilience to bounce back from tough market conditions in 2012, for a resurgence in production excellence, social impact and environmental contributions.

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    SEV builds resilient EV charging ecosystem in the Faroe Islands

    Faroe Islands, a self-governing Danish archipelago of 18 islands between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, is home to 50,000 people. Disconnected from mainland Europe, the islands cannot import electricity. With the rising adoption of electric vehicles, this meant that SEV, the  community owned electricity supplier to 97% of the archipelago needed to build an EV charging ecosystem that would serve its residents reliably while ensuring a stable grid.

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    Kajave to integrate with Finnish national Datahub

    As one of the most advanced countries in Europe when it comes to digitalization in the energy sector, Finland has adopted a national data hub to centralize information exchange to simplify and speed up daily operations among consumers and grid participants. Kajave Oy is employing the  Landis+Gyrs Datahub connector service to transfer electricity consumption data into this information exchange, thus enabling secure, instantaneous access for consumers and grid participants.

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    5 considerations for building your Advanced Metering Infrastructure

    Smart meter rollouts are complex projects that impact utility operations from billing to customer services, and from IT operations to network management. Whether it is a first-time installation, a second wave implementation, or a transformational upgrade, building an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is a journey. Here are some of the top considerations when building your AMI ecosystem.

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